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Very, very sorry. :(
2PM 복귀, 재범 합류 여부 뜨거운 관심사
리더 재범의 탈퇴로 활동을 중단했던 그룹 2PM이 활동 재개를 선언했다. 2PM은 지난 달 31일 새벽 티저 사이트를 공개하며 본격적인 컴백을 예고했다. 티저 사이트의 카운트다운으로 2일 오후를 지목하며 기대감을 증폭시키고 있다.
팬들은 카운트다운 종료의 의미에 대해 설왕설레하고 있다. 재범의 복귀와 관련된 카운트다운이라는 조심스러운 관측도 나오고 있어 한층 뜨거운 관심을 모으고 있다.
특 히 7일엔 2PM의 소속사 JYP엔터테인먼트가 미국 시애틀에서 신인 발굴 오디션을 개최한다. 탈퇴 후 시애틀에 머물고 있는 재범과 JYP 사이에 복귀에 대한 논의가 이뤄질 수 있는 기회다. 2PM 티저 사이트의 카운트다운과 맞물려 관심이 뜨거워지고 있다.
JYP엔터테인먼트측은 재범의 복귀 여부에 대해 "아직 밝힐 수 있는 부분이 없다"고 극도로 말을 아끼고 있다. 2PM의 매니저 정민 실장은 "13일 KBS 2TV '뮤직뱅크'로 첫방송하는 것을 제외하고는 구체적으로 말할 수 있는 부분이 없다"고 말했다.
그는 2PM이 재범을 제외한 6인조로 활동하는 지에 대해 "밝힐 부분이 없다"고 했고, 재범의 복귀에 대해서도 "아직 말할 내용이 없다"고 전했다. 지난 9월 JYP의 수장 박진영이 홈페이지를 통해 "6인조 2PM 활동한다"고 선언한 때와 비교해 재범의 합류 가능성이 높아진 것으로 여겨지는 대목이다.
시애틀에서 열리는 신인 발굴 오디션에 대해서도 JYP측은 조심스러운 입장을 고수했다. JYP엔터테인먼트의 관계자는 "오디션은 재범과는 무관한 별개 행사"라면서도 "시애틀에 가는 JYP 관계자가 누군지 재범과 어떤 만남이 있을 지도 현재로서는 밝힐 수 있는 부분이 없다"고 말했다.
그러나 가요계 일각에선 JYP엔터테인먼트의 주요 관계자가 시애틀을 방문해 재범과 어떤 방식으로든 만남을 가질 것으로 전망하고 있다. 재범의 복귀에 대한 국내 여론이 우호적인 만큼 당장은 아니더라도 긍정적인 논란이 이뤄질 것이라는 관측이다.
2PM이 활동에 나서면서 재범의 행보가 관심을 모을 전망이다.
양지원 기자 [jiwon221@joongang.co.kr]
Okay - here's how the whole story goes... Lee Soo Man is the head producer - he's basically in charge of everything that goes on in SM... (SM used to stand for Soo Man but it's something else now..I forget...Star something...) He's like..completely horrible!
I mean, personally, I have nothing against SM the label, it's more like..the people who run it.
There's a saying in Korea that states: "If you don't make it with SM then you can't make it anywhere." It's actually half true. The reason Shinhwa broke away from SM is that they couldn't stand not being able to participate in recording their album (like writing songs, being more active in the whole process, not being controlled), and the only reason why they're still doing fine is that their fanbase is HUGE and the fans are VERY supportive of their split from SM. Shinhwa was fed up with their songs being controlled, and fed up with being hit and bullied by SM managers. -__-;;
As for HOT not getting back together, it's really crappy. Moon HeeJun from HOT went solo, as you may know, and after his first album, they withdrew funding from him and decided to focus on the "hotter, newer stars" like DBSK and BoA. Basically, he was left on the back burner and left to fend for himself. He released his later albums from money in his own pocket and donations from loyal fans. Awww...
Basically, when you get old/get less popular in SM, they just leave you to rot. They'll discard you like an old sock.
SM controls your life - when you sign on, you're basically signing away your soul. When DBSK was first formed, Soo Man gave the order to put the boys on a water diet (they basically starved the boys to the extreme) to make their faces slimmer so that they look better in pictures. They often try to get artists to get plastic surgery in order to boost their appearances. No joke. SM goes for looks first, then talent. (They got lucky with DBSK - looks AND talent.)
Rumor has it (and I'm pretty sure it's been confirmed, at least, according to my sources...) that SM hits/beats their artists whenever they make a mistake, and often they are driven to sickness by exhaustion and fatigue. Remember when Micky/Yoochun was in the hospital with apendicitis? Yah..there you go...
The probably only exception to the abuse is BoA, SM's favored artist, of whom I've heard indirectly from her coordinators that she's really stuck-up and and really bossy. Hence, I do not like her (I never did.) - sorry BoA fans! (By all means keep liking her if you do!)
When the whole scare that DBSK was going to be rotated came around (meaning winter-spring time this year), did you see the members cry at the perf.s and such? Well, I believe they were screamed at, then hit around, and they were banned from going to any press conferences. They were split up (put into different rooms and such) and they weren't allowed to discuss anything regarding it. I believe if they were going to rotate, they had announced that Jaejoong and Yoochun would be the first to leave because they "cause so much trouble".
If the fans did not stage the boycott of SM goods, I believe they really would have rotated DBSK. Plus the fact that Changmin is still a minor and their parents can still sue SM under their contract.
So...if SM is so horrible..why would you sign on under it?
Because, it gives you FAME. SM is RUTHLESS when it comes to making it to the top, and you are almost guaranteed some sort of fame. Secondly, THEY PAY FOR YOUR COLLEGE. They give you all these opportunities that are probably pretty good.
...I believe (I remember reading this) an average SM group like DBSK makes around 3 CENTS or something per album/single they sell. That split 5 ways is less than 1 cent per member. Yah - in the end, it may add up, but really, SM just sucks out the profit. It's a money making machine in the entertainment business. SOO MAN TAKES MOST OF THE PROFITS HIMSELF - HE IS LIKE...ONE OF THE RICHEST MEN IN KOREA.
Basically...Lee Soo Man is running this company that controls everything that goes on in their artists' lives. Although he's NOT THE PRESIDENT, he has the MOST POWER. Don't ask me how that works...I'm not sure... -__-;;; Even the president resigned this year due to everything that's been going on. Basically...I CAN'T STAND LEE SOO MAN. He deserves...really bad things to happen to him. -__-;;;